
Self Worth

In my study this week I decided to focus on Self Worth. I feel I, as well as everyone else, needs to study more on this topic. Girls especially. We can be so hard on ourselves sometimes, make us feel less than what we really are. It's easy to forget what we have been taught about being a Child of God. And sometimes, even though we remember, it is hard to grasp the concept. At least for me. I found a good talk on this subject. Read it HERE. But I wanted to share a paragraph that hit me between the eyes!

Look beyond Yourself

Do your little flaws bother you? If your hair doesn’t look quite right, is your whole day ruined? The small things you dislike about yourself probably go unnoticed by those around you. Forget about them by trying to—
    Shift the focus to others. Instead of dwelling on your weaknesses, look for the good in those around you. Point out those good things to them.
    Listen to others. Listen to understand, not just so you can prepare a response.
    Remember: the people around you are probably just as insecure as you are; they are all painfully aware of their weaknesses. So don’t, for a second, think that yours are necessarily worse than anyone else’s.

I needed that. Sometimes I am so focused on ME that I forget to build others up. I used to be really good at finding the strengths in others. Being my "bubbly" self. I hardly had time to wollow in my own sorrows. When I moved to college I guess I was sick of being the "Loud, Annoying, Bubbly...etc" girl. So I became quieter, more judgmental and calculating. How awful! I am on a quest to being the Happy Go Lucky girl again. I found it is not always a bad thing, and I was a better, happier person when I was focused on building others up! We all have faults, we all have insecurities, and we all want to do better. What is holding us back? Do something for someone else this week. Not your husband, child, or someone you normally serve. Go out of your comfort zone and "Shift the focus to others..."

Stop comparing your hair, nails, clothes, house, body to Pinterest and other sources. There is nothing wrong with making goals and wanting to be better, but as soon as we compare and get discouraged, we almost give up. THAT is the downfall. If anyone hasn't read the book by Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Forget Me Not" Read it. Now. It is short but sweet. It lifted my spirits and gave me some needed motivation to be a better person. Not just to dream, but to ACT.

Have a wonderful day, look in the mirror and smile, knowing God made YOU. He loves YOU. You are worth it!

"Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you."
                                                                           - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Something to ponder!



  1. These ate great thoughts! Thanks for your messages and encouragement!

  2. These ate great thoughts! Thanks for your messages and encouragement!

  3. I don't think you will ever understand how much I look up to you, and how much you help me. This post is just one of the many times you have helped me when I have needed it and no one really knew I needed it, so thank you. I love you so much and I'm so glad you're my sister.


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