
MacKay- O, Salmon- 1

On our first fishing trip, it was just MacKay and I, we had no boat, it was just a little bit of hikin', wadin', and fishin'! We drove a few miles up the Talkeetna Spur Road, and parked by the trees, where we followed a little trail to the large rivers. This is one of the only good fishing spots you can get to without a boat. Since we didn't have a boat, it was perfect! I wont fool ya, I was terrified to hike! Don't get me wrong, I have loved hiking most of my life, but I never hiked in Alaska, where I had heard terrifying stories from the Taylor's, Butler's and Ford's, I swear they did this on purpose to watch me squirm! Boy, did it work! MacKay never went anywhere without a gun, but I was still keyed up! I did NOT want to see any Bear's or Moose! We came to the train track, where we could climb up and over, or go through an underpass. MacKay took that time to tell me a story of him seeing 2 bears on the other side of the underpass a few years back. Thank you Mr. MacKay! ugh, So I opted for up and over. When we finally got out of the jungle-like woods, my nerves left! It was just beautiful, I was glad to see some land, water, and life! Other than just Pines. Here are some pictures of our fishing adventure!

Isn't he cute?! (:

First view of one of the three rivers.

MacKay wading through to find a good spot.

My honey fishin'! You won't see many pictures of me fishing, because I didn't have a license, they are really expensive for out of state. So I let him have all the fun! (:

I forgot to bring a book, so I resorted to picture taking. Darn.(;

Sorry, about all the pics of MacKay! I love seeing him do what he loves! I have about 1 hundred million more. (; 

Yes, that is a fallen over tree! HUGE!

We were heading back from fishing, as we didn't catch anything! Fish- 1 MacKay-0

& here is the two of us home, safe and sound, with encountering 0 bears, moose, or anything else that may threaten our lives. (sigh of relief)

1 comment :

  1. Yay an update!! haha I know you are super busy so no worries! It is fun to read an update though! :)


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